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What To Do If Your Tenants Asks To Sub-Lease In Metro Detroit

There are many reasons why a tenant might request to sub-lease a rental property in Metro Detroit. Some landlords are open to the idea, while others may be more cautious or prefer not to allow it at all. Understanding the process, pros, and potential pitfalls of sub-leasing is important for landlords who want to make … Continued

5 Ways to Deal With Bad Tenants in Metro Detroit

Being a landlord in Metro Detroit comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most frustrating aspects is dealing with problem tenants. While eviction is always an option, it’s important to recognize that it can be a long, costly, and stressful process. This is why many landlords look for alternative ways to … Continued

Using A Lease Option To Sell Your House in Metro Detroit

Lease options can be an excellent exit strategy for homeowners looking to maximize their returns on a real estate investment. Here’s why:1. Higher Potential ReturnsUpfront Option Fee: When you sell your property using a lease option, you collect an initial non-refundable option fee from the tenant-buyer. This fee can be substantial, often ranging from 1-5% … Continued

5 Benefits of Selling Your House Via Rent to Own in Metro Detroit

Rent-to-own agreements can be an attractive option for property owners who are looking to sell but want to retain ownership for a bit longer. This type of arrangement can provide benefits for both the seller and the tenant/buyer. Here’s why you might consider rent-to-own as an option: 1. Steady Income Stream 2. Potential for a … Continued

How Landlords Can Save Money Making Repairs In Metro Detroit

In order to bring more long term value to the rental property–especially if you’d like to sell in the near future–it’s often recommended a landlord should keep up with regular maintenance any ultimately make the necessary repairs. You can find ways to save money making repairs in order to always keep your property in tip-top … Continued

6 Surprising Things You Need to Know About Owning a Hoarder House in Metro Detroit 

Owning a hoarder house in Metro Detroit can present unique challenges and unexpected costs. These properties often come with significant issues that can be both financially and emotionally draining. This blog will cover six surprising things you need to know about owning a hoarder house, including potential costs, dangerous problems, and conditions under which a … Continued
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